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As the music industry grow and expand, some musicians and bands fade away and fail miserably in their quest to leave a mark in this industry. Why does this happen yet they put out everything in order from the first step? The following two reasons are major reasons why my artists don’t leave a mark.
The belief that the number of fans you have translated in the musically likes you are getting on your social media platforms and website is what matters to be a successful artist. They are just numbers if they don’t reflect in the sales you are making over a period. This approach is widely known as spray and pray. It never works and will never work for you if you want success in the music industry.
Secondly, the lack of vision and effective strategy on building the music career.Musicians channel all efforts to current music to be a hit, top charts and attract many musically likes instead of focusing on the wider picture of the future impact. What happens when the song fades? You automatically vanish from the limelight too.